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The Lost Soul

I wasn't quite sure how I wanted to label this one or where I wanted to go with it. Maybe you can relate, maybe not. Here's where my thoughts have been recently. I hope you can take something away from it. Enjoy.

The Lost Soul

Source: Pixabay

Empty. Disconnected. Crippling loneliness. All synonyms of pain. You know what the worst thing is? After a while everything starts to feel numb and days start dragging on. It's like some intangible force grabs a hold of you and drains the life out of you. At that point, you desperately want to feel again, even if it's pain.

Everyone tells you that those days will past but they feel like they last forever. You've been told that it's perfectly 'normal' to have days like this but man when those days are back, to back, to back, that's when you start to question the validity of that statement.

And you try to look at the people around you: Family, friends, colleagues, acquaintances, etc. You make the attempt to chill with your favorite group of people yet it doesn't help. If anything, the loneliness intensifies, making you more aware of it. I once read someone describe this experience as having others constantly tell you how colorful the world is when you are colorblind. Ha, ain't that the truth?

So you try to convince yourself that you're being ridiculous; that you have no reason to feel this way. After all, we live in an era where we're equipped with so many different ways of communicating with one another. Yet for some reason, it feels like you're more disconnected from others more than ever before. I might be wrong but it sure as hell feels like it.

I'm not about to dive into some spiel about the dangers of social media because I'm actually in favor of it. But I can't help but feel like my eyes have been open to how lonely it makes others. What's crazy is that it's so easy for us to reach out to one another. A simple Dm or a comment under a post or thread letting the other person know you see them is all it takes yet it isn't enough.

One thing I learned that's crucial is balance. Balance is key, man, I'm telling you. A few extra minutes spent off the internet could be very helpful. Ain't nobody telling you to completely log off for good but limiting your time can make all the difference. Otherwise, you might end up like me, completely stuck in miserable limbo where lack of guidance, uncertainty and confusion greet you along your journey, destined to become a lost soul amongst society.

Fingers crossed we can all find some sort of connection out here. If you can't, I hope you can call this place home. I wouldn't want you to go through this. I hate being lost.


If you get the chance, try to sneak in a sunset watch today. Keep being you.


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Story tellers; daydreamers; advocators for chill vibes and those with too much imagination for their own good. Add a sprinkle of Lofi and you have all the ingredients of a LoFi Misfit.




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