Painting a Scene
What's up family! I hope y'all have been blessed and I hope the week's been good to you. This one especially goes out to all of you that, like me, daydream 24/7. I have a prompt I want you to try with me. This one is called "Painting a scene".
I want y'all to paint a picture as vividly as you can with 500 words or less. It has to be a memory of something you've experienced that's left an imprint on you. Whether good or bad, write it down. If you want to share it with me, feel free to submit it to the email, with the subject line "Painting a Scene." And you want to have it posted on the site, just mark "Ok to publish" at the end of your email. I'd love to share what you come up with!
Anyways, here's my scene. Enjoy.
"Counting the rain drops drooping down my windshield as quickly as I can before the wipers restart again, I am in awe. The street lights line the highway providing a smooth rhythm of illuminating lights that make it slightly easier to count the droplets. The vehicles around me race towards their destination while my lonely crimson sedan cruises to its own beat.
Skyscrapers tower all along my journey with their checkerboard fluorescent faces. The moon, with her beautiful aura, shines to give the clouds their greyish tone to compliment the midnight blue of our atmosphere. Or, maybe the clouds are actually smoke? I did just drive by a factory moments ago so who knows.
The radio is playing Jhene aiko and I had to look at the dial to see if my ears had deceived me. I forgot what song was playing but I do remember the sweet melodic keys of the piano as she sang and how personal it felt, like she was serenading me. It made you wonder how is it possible for someone to harmonize so well.
The volume was perfectly low, allowing the rain to add a verse to the song while I got to witness the free concert."
Hopefully you guys got to see the vibe I had experienced this night. For some reason, everything was hitting harder than usual, if you know what I mean. I'm pretty sure I had some bomb-ass food when I got home too.
Anyways, I can't wait to read what you come up with. Until next time, family. Peace.