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Dreams are weird

No literally, dreams are weird. I'm not talking about your aspirations and goals but the dreams you have at night. Some dreams will have you waking up thinking "oh, that was pretty cool" while others will have you waking up with 100 questions.

So, I figured I'd tell you guys about a crazy dream I had. Hopefully you'll get a kick out of this.

By the way, I tried my best to capture everything I remembered from the dream. Ok, so picture this. It started off with me walking down a corridor with a group of people. When we exited the corridor, we noticed that we were in a cage. At the bottom of the cage, there were thousands of sleeping alligators.

We were pretty high up from the ground and the cage was humongous! We all had an objective which was to scale the side of the cage and make our way to the other side. The trick was that we all had to remain as quiet as possible because if we made even the slightest bit of noise, the alligators would wake up. I swear, this was something out of squid games.


I wish I could remember more but unfortunately that's all I was able to write down when I woke up. Since that one was pretty short, I'll give you another one.

For this one, I woke up in a cave but I wasn't the only one in there. I was staring at an older dude who was cradling his son. The thing is, I'm pretty sure the guy was at least 16, I think, and he was wrapped in a blanket like a baby, crushing his dad's legs. They didn't want to make eye contact with me but I could tell the dad was clearly in pain.

All around us, there were dinosaur fossils and a Rita Repulsa statue in the middle of the cave. I'm talking about the Machiko Soga Mighty Morphin Power Rangers' Rita Repulsa. All of a sudden, the dad and his son jumped up and charged out of the cave. Obviously, I was confused and decided to follow them.

The minute they left the cave, Rita's putties emerged from the earth and surrounded them. They started to chase the dad and his son but left me alone so I stood back and watched. When the putties got close to them, the Powers Rangers flew in and fought off the putties but what made this weird was that I was one of them! Somehow, I had left my spot and morphed into the green ranger while the dad morphed into the red ranger to defend his son. His son didn't transform into a ranger but just stood there, paralyzed with fear as he wrapped himself in his blanket.


I wonder if people are still able to interpret dreams because I need to know what the hell is wrong with me. One thing I know for certain is that as weird as they are, dreams are fun as hell to experience.

Please tell me that I'm not the only one that has bizarre dreams?! Let me know what kind of weird, crazy adventures you experience/remember when you go to bed.

I'll see you guys around. Maybe I'll get another weird dream tonight. I'll let you guys know what happens. Peace.

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Story tellers; daydreamers; advocators for chill vibes and those with too much imagination for their own good. Add a sprinkle of Lofi and you have all the ingredients of a LoFi Misfit.




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